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Organizations can use collaboration behavior data to track meeting attentiveness, establish better meeting habits and personalize channel feeds for employees.

Organizations need to realize the value and potential of collaboration data goes beyond assessing and optimizing application performance. By analyzing collaboration data, organizations can gather insights to drive improvements in collaborative work, productivity and wellness — and boost the overall employee experience.

Companies at the forefront of the employee experience consider collaboration behavior data — from applications such as team chat and video meetings — to be vital to understand their employees. More than half of the 499 companies Metrigy examined in a global study on employee experience are using collaboration behavior data as part of their employee experience initiatives. With this data, companies can see how often employees are digitally interacting with each other throughout the day, in what ways they’re interacting and with whom.

Companies can share each employee’s collaboration behavior data on an individual basis, roll the data up for viewing in aggregate by team leaders and other managers, or both. Many companies are finding collaboration behavior data a great complement to engagement data showing how much an employee participates and engages digitally with the company and peers via enterprise social networks or employee portals, as well as to employee sentiment data gathered via surveys and polls.

Unified communications (UC) industry insiders discussed the hidden value in collaboration data during a session at the Enterprise Connect 2024 conference in Orlando, Fla. The industry experts shared three top tips on using collaboration data to its fullest potential.

1. Enhance team engagement and productivity.

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