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Businesses and their customers aren’t always in alignment on CX deliverables.

Ask IT or CX leaders how their companies are doing in delivering on customer experience excellence, and most will give their customer service departments high fives. However, ask the same of consumers about the companies they do business with, and the responses won’t be quite as positive.

Metrigy’s recent CX research studies with businesses and consumers tell the tale in numbers. In our “Customer Experience Optimization: 2024-25” research study, we see that a whopping 91.3% of the 544 IT/CX respondents believe their companies deliver excellent customer service—if not for nearly every interaction (37.3%), then at least for some interactions (54.0%). And they’re quite confident that their customers feel about the same way. Nearly 61% say their customers would rate their service as “good,” while 35.3% feel their companies would receive an “excellent” rating.

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