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If you’re looking for credible subject-matter experts with proven track records at conveying information, look no further.

Metrigy’s analysts have been producing compelling content for media, conference organizers, and publishers for decades. Our analysts are skilled writers and charismatic presenters for live or virtual events.

Thought Leadership

  • Reports and blogs – We leverage our research and knowledge to provide thought-provoking content for your readers.
  • Speaking (events, videos, webinars) – Our analysts get excited to talk about technology—and it shows in your events. We engage and educate audiences on technology trends, and provide them with pointed advice on what they should (and shouldn’t) do.
  • Interviews – We’re your go-to experts for technology interviews on TV, radio, podcasts, or other media

Content Planning

Metrigy will help you plan content for your conference or other activities.

  • Coordinate topics and additional speakers for tracks at conferences
  • Write abstracts for each session
  • Secure panelists for roundtables
  • Manage tracks on-site at the conferences

Get unlimited access to our strategic guidance and informative content, backed by primary research metrics and analysis.

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