MetriNote – Microsoft to Uplevel Viva EX Platform with Glint, Copilot
Published on: April 25, 2023
Author: Beth Schultz, Vice President of Research and Principal AnalystApril 20, 2023 – Microsoft delivered on its promise to bring its Glint workplace analytics and employee feedback application to its Viva employee experience platform, setting general availability of Viva Glint for July 2023. Also regarding Viva Glint, Microsoft
announced its integration with Viva Insights, to bring employee feedback and behavioral data into a single view, and coming availability of Copilot, its generative AI system, for use in exploring employee comments and suggestions. Additionally, Microsoft announced Copilot in Viva Goals, to guide leaders through the process of creating objectives and key results and to simplify goal management, and in Viva Topics and Viva Learning. For the latter, Copilot will generate summaries, answers, and surface upskilling and learning paths as part of Microsoft’s learning and knowledge management portfolio in Viva. Copilot in Viva Engage, announced previously, will provide guidance in creating and responding to employee communications. Copilot for Viva will be available at an unspecified date this year.