MetriNote – NICE Industry Analyst Summit 2024: Preparing for a New Era of Exponential Impact
Published on: November 8, 2024
Authors: Beth Schultz, VP of Research and Principal Analyst, Metrigy; Robin Gareiss, CEO and Principal Analyst, Metrigy; Diane Myers, Senior Research Director and Principal Analyst, Metrigy
What's the news?From the banks of the Zambezi River in Livingstone, Zambia, NICE gathered more than 30 industry analysts Oct. 21-24 to share the state of the business and the company’s evolved vision of a unified AI-CX platform—what it refers to as a “hyper-platform”—as well as to demonstrate key AI capabilities.NICE executives Barak Eilam, CEO; Barry Cooper, president of the NICE CX Division; Tim Harris, head of product for NICE CXone; and Elizabeth Tobey, head of marketing digital solutions, along with Neeraj Verma, senior director, engineering; presented a mix of strategy- and technology-related keynotes, including some demonstrations. Executives from NICE partners CCT Solutions, Deloitte, Inovo, and NTT shared their experiences and observations about AI and CX in general and NICE in particular, and fielded questions from analysts, as did IT and CX leaders from NICE customers Carnival UK, H&R Block, and Hyatt.