Team Collaboration: The Foundation for a Digital-First Workplace

Published on: July 22, 2021

Author: Irwin Lazar, President and Principal Analyst Successfully supporting the future of work requires providing employees with the ability to communicate and collaborate internally and externally, regardless of location, in the context of work activities. Team collaboration platforms help meet these needs by enabling application and data integrations to optimize internal, business-to-business, and customer-facing workflows. This approach lets organizations realize quantifiable benefits by adopting team collaboration as a hub for work, rather than as a standalone messaging app. The end result is that successful team collaboration adopters are able to achieve demonstrable Return-on-Investment (ROI) from collaboration. Measurable benefits include productivity gains from improving workflows, cost savings via workforce optimization, and revenue increases from improved internal and partner sales support. Based on data Metrigy recently gathered from 476 end-user organizations, this report provides IT and business leaders with insight into how best to leverage a platform-based team collaboration approach to achieve quantifiable business benefit.
Table of Contents
  • Executive Summary
  • Meeting the Next Generation Digital Work Requirements
  • Team Collaboration as the Platform for Work
  • Team Collaboration Benefits
  • Achieving Team Collaboration Success
    • Enterprise-Wide Roll-outs
    • Viewing Team Collaboration as a Work-Hub
    • Extending Team Collaboration Beyond Company Boundaries
    • Addressing Security and Governance Needs
    • Training Users
    • Creating Communities and Fostering Culture
  • Conclusions and Recommendations
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