Metrigy’s research shows 45.7% of companies using AI today, with a third having it on their 2024 roadmap for deployment or evaluation.
I kicked off 2023 with a post titled “Employee Experience: AI on the 2023 Agenda.” As I stated then, I’d expected to see increased use of artificial intelligence (AI), across a variety of use cases, to improve employee experience (EX). I wouldn’t call myself particularly prescient, but I wasn’t wrong.
With the rise of generative AI into mainstream consciousness (thanks in large part to release of OpenAI’s ChatGPT publicly available conversational search tool), the cloak of mystery around AI has been lifted. Vendors are adding AI—generative and otherwise—to all sorts of products, and many companies are jumping on board.
In Metrigy’s Employee Experience: 2023-24 global research study, conducted in June-July 2023, 45.7% of the 499 participating companies said they were already using or planning to use AI/machine learning (ML) or generative AI for employee experience use cases in 2023. As the following chart shows, 19.2% have adoption of AI/ML planned for 2024 (or beyond) while another 12% were evaluating the technology at the time of the survey.
For most companies (58.7%) already using AI for employee experience, the top value is the ability to predict changes in key business metrics. This is the role of traditional AI/machine learning—i.e., predicting change on a given set of data and then, optimally, act on it.
Consider, for example, the variety of AI capabilities companies could use alone or in tandem to sniff out changes in key factors such as employee satisfaction. This includes, but is not limited to:
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