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In an age of unprecedented speed of change, customer lifecycle management (CLM) is critical for the success of customers and vendors.

CLM typically refers to the entire engagement process between vendors and customers, starting with initial contact but ideally with no end. During the initial phases of CLM, customers and vendors work together to understand business needs and challenges and to identify and implement solutions that support customer goals, such as digital transformation, delivery of new products and services, and/or reduction in operating costs. Over time, the relationship between customer and vendor evolves, with vendors continuing to proactively engage with customers so that they can understand evolving customer needs and align product roadmap and strategy to develop and deliver solutions that meet those needs.

Consider an example of a hospitality organization that initially requires a communications system to support in-room calling, customer reservation management, and hotel operations. Over time those needs may require proactive customer notification via text, integration with in-room entertainment systems to support guest notifications, ordering, and account management and even proactive marketing outreach to make guests aware of specials or upcoming events. To remain competitive, the hospitality organization may use emerging AI-powered tools to improve customer experience and identify and assist in new sales opportunities.

Absent a CLM approach, the customer may not be aware of the ability of their existing communications vendor’s capabilities to deliver advanced capabilities above and beyond what the customer has already purchased or the ability of their on-premises provider to support a move to the cloud with minimal disruption. The result is likely the customer looking elsewhere for additional capabilities, creating a potential loss of the customer for the vendor, along with additional complexity and cost for the customer if they decide to migrate to a new communications platform.

Metrigy’s Workplace Collaboration MetriCast Market Forecast: 2022 study of 935 organizations found that nearly 26% of those operating on-premises unified communications (UC) platforms were planning to change providers, and another 15.3% were evaluating replacing their providers. Primary factors for changing providers include a desire to migrate to the cloud, reduce cost, access new features such as AI and analytics, and converge various collaboration applications onto a single platform. More than 12% said their provider’s roadmap isn’t aligned with their strategy.

How to Create a Successful CLM Program

An effective CLM approach in UC is built on several pillars.

1. Continuous Customer and Vendor Engagement

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