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I’ve always noted a disconnect between what’s presented at conferences or written in blogs — and what customer experience (CX) leaders tell me as we advise them or as they participate in research interviews about contact center architecture.

In the public square: “Companies are lining up to move their contact centers to the cloud!”

In the corporate war room, among some CX leaders: “Moving to the cloud makes no sense for us!”

Which one is right?

Both, but we don’t hear or read much about the latter. Most vendors have transformed their sales models to recurring, SaaS-based revenue. That was no small feat, so they want to publicize the value of that move.

Indeed, many companies have successfully moved their contact centers to the cloud. Our latest study shows that 29.5% of companies globally have moved to Contact Center as a Service (CCaaS, defined as public-cloud, multi-tenant platform). Another 21% have moved to a hosted/managed platform (defined as dedicated-instance, single-server platform owned and managed by a third party), according to Metrigy’s upcoming Customer Experience MetriCast global study of 1,531 companies.

If you’re doing the math, you’re probably already thinking, “Wait, those figures show that cloud contact centers make up slightly more than half of companies in the study.” Yep. And more than you may realize, remain on-premises: 21.5% own and operate their contact centers from their physical locations; 20.8% own and operate their on-premises contact center platforms with the dedicated-instance servers physically located at a third-party data center.

Even more interesting, 48.2% of companies now using cloud-based platforms (either CCaaS or hosted/managed cloud dedicated servers) are changing, planning to change, or evaluating a shift in providers by 2024. Among those, 14.1% are doing so because they are returning to on-premises platforms.

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Robin Gareiss

Robin Gareiss is CEO and Principal Analyst at Metrigy, where she oversees research product development, conducts primary research, and advises leading enterprises, vendors, and carriers focusing on customer experience and engagement, digital transformation, and contact center.