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Metrigy’s research finds high adoption of connected workspace apps enabling collaborative work management.

I’ve written previously for WorkSpace Connect about the haziness surrounding the idea of a digital workspace, a term—or its equivalency—that has risen up time and again to signify a multipurpose platform that serves as a home for digital work. Artificial intelligence (AI), automation, integration, and team chat/collaboration are elements turning the digital workspace platforms of old to very real collaborative work management products of today.

Metrigy has adopted “connected workspace” as a label for today’s iteration of such products. “Connected” and “collaborative”—these are important characteristics. These workspaces serve as a connection point not only for the applications that individuals and teams use throughout the workday, but also to each other, so they can work collaboratively on their projects. This isn’t just a personal workspace, although an employee can certainly use a connected workspace application for such a purpose. The ability to work smoothly as a team, without having to jump from one app to another to complete a task or contact a colleague, is all-important.

Essentially, a connected workspace creates one place for accomplishing, communicating about, and managing work. In our Connected Workspace: 2024-25 market overview report, we identify three core purposes:

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